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Clinical Counseling Licensure Preparation Residency Program


The Obsidian Therapy Group (OTG) is a low-cost psychotherapy and training center. While meeting the need for quality, affordable, and often long-term counseling, and psychotherapy for the minority community, OTG also provides one of the few settings that addresses the specific needs of post graduate Minority therapists working toward licensure. We offer a 4-year period of intensive, supervised clinical experience and additional training that goes far beyond satisfying licensure requirements in most states. Our clinical staff are all highly experienced and respected members of the counseling therapy community and are experts in their respective specialty fields. The supervised, hands-on experience that post graduates gain at OTG not only satisfy their licensure requirements, but prepares them for private practice, group practice, community work, and also enables the services that OTG provides. Residents receive extensive supervision, training, referral of clients, use of office space and office supplies, telephone, marketing, and support in developing private practice once they have graduated.

 Benefits of OTG Residency Program

  • Weekly individual supervision by highly experienced, skilled, and licensed clinicians with broad areas of specialty practice (e.g., addictions, couples, trauma, attachment issues, personality disorders, gender issues)

  • Group supervision

  • Learn reflective integration of various theories and interventions that are tailored to the needs of the individual client

  • Learn both practical stabilization and depth psychotherapy skills

  • Strong focus on the person of the therapist

  • On- and off-site didactic training/workshops beyond requirements of licensure

  • A supportive, collaborative environment geared to helping new practitioners become licensed

  • Assistance with marketing for client load, office space and all office needs provided

  • When fully licensed, graduates may take their clients into private practice

  • Assistance with preparing for NCHME/NCE

  • Ongoing free training opportunities and referrals to graduate residents

  • One-year contract with OTG, with the option to renew contract for up to three (3) years


Prerequisites for Residency

  • Minimally a completed master’s degree in counseling

  • Meet your State’s (jurisdictions’s) Board of Counseling’s requirements for beginning preparation for licensure

  • A commitment to the counseling profession and identity with a desire to serve underserved populations.

Your annual costs covered during supervision:

  • Office supplies- $200

  • Space Usage-$1500

  • Use of electronic records management access- $1215

  • Paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies & Janitorial services- $400 (your estimated cost portion)

  • Business Cards & Appointment Cards- $75

  • Utilities $150

  • Administrative staff & processing of paperwork- $2000

  • Liability insurance- $150 for your portion of the company’s liability (this is additional insurance that is required for the agency over and above your personal malpractice insurance)

  • Individual Supervision- $4,800 (Estimate of 48 weeks)

  • Group Supervision-$3,120

(Estimate of 48 weeks)

  • Training- $1500

Grand Total- $15,110 annually at OCG


Because of the investment involved, we are seeking only very serious residents who have a strong desire to establish themselves firmly in the mental health field, i.e., those that are willing to work hard and make a commitment to OCG.

*Note*: Fulltime employment is discouraged because residents have a difficult time fulfilling their obligations and professional commitments at OCG, proper self-care and maintaining a healthy home life balance which is necessary to remain in the residency program.  Failure to comply with program requirements and attendance will adversely affect program retention.

*Start- up can involve fees up to $800 depending upon previous experiences

Commitment Requirements for Part-time Residency *compensated

A minimum commitment of 20 hours per week including:

  • Scheduled 2-day orientation

  • A minimum of 10 client face-to-face hours per week (must schedule 15). (Hours counting toward compensation begin after minimum hour & monetary service equivalency requirements) Hours must include at least 1 day of daytime appointments and include at least 1 evening of appointments up to 7 p.m. and/or Saturday appointment

  • Record-keeping hours as necessary.

  • 4 hours of marketing per month

  • 4 hours of research activities per month

  • 4 consecutive hours of administrative office duties weekly. Telephone duty rotation and on-call hours (for inquiries, intakes and new appointments only (OTG is not a crisis or emergency service) as assigned

  • Minimally 1 hour of weekly individual supervision 2 weeks a month/2 group supervision per month

  • Availability for all other events as required by the administrative staff (e.g., retreats, fundraising events, marketing events etc.)

  •  Membership in NABC, choose membership between ACA or your state counseling organization

  • Attendance at NABC convention annually

  • Attendance at 1 professional development training external to OTG annually

  • Assist with supervision and training of counseling interns and lay counselors

  • Attendance at meetings on Tuesdays:

*Lack of attendance will affect retention in the program.

1st  Tues or Thurs

2nd Tues or Thurs

3rd Tues or Thurs

4rd Tues or Thurs

5th Tues or Thurs

5:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.

Marketing and Professional Development/Test Prep

(Residents &Interns-every other month)

Group Supervision: In service Training/Research Presentation topics/Health Integration (Reside

(Residents & Interns)

Group Supervision: Case Presentation
(Residents only)

Administrative Meeting

 (All Staff)

Staff Luncheon dinner/guest speaker

(All staff)

Application for Residency

OTG accepts applications, and interviews potential new residents in January, and June. Please note that residency positions are competitive, as many individuals apply. To apply for a residency, please fill out an application (download from the website), send a cover letter expressing your reasons why you would like to be a resident at OTG, resume, unofficial transcripts (official will be required if accepted) and 3 professional (behavioral health) references (i.e., Name, address, phone numbers, and email) by email or mail to:

Attn: OTG Licensure Preparation Residency Program
The Healing Trees, Inc.
5322 Boulevard Suite D
Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834
Phone: 833-233-228-6222 (NABC)

Fax: 833-622-2529 (NABCFAX)


*Start Up Cost to the participant-only applies if selected*

  1. Obtain or provide verification of current personal Malpractice insurance policy. ≈$450

  2. Current Background check: Will include a national criminal background check and sexual offender registry check and may require a specific state check as well which may require additional fees. (Background checks will not be accepted from other counseling agencies)-  ≈$90 non-refundable payment to OCG can be sent through PayPal, or Zelle

  3. Proof of a COVID-19 vaccination and any other required immunization or health screening by state statue or local ordinance

  4. Proof of a CPR certification and First Aid certification or obtain certification.  ≈$150

  5. HIPPA Compliant Transport Case- ≈$45 (Locked Carrying case, briefcase, bag) for any agency paperwork or client data you may be transporting

  6. Fees represent the upfront cost of running a sound outpatient practice; therefore, all fees are non-refundable once submitted regardless of reason.

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